Intro to “Or the Other Way Around”

The identifying of ourselves with the visual image of ourselves
has become an instinct; the habit is already old.
The picture of me, the me that is seen, is me.
D.H. Lawrence

These artworks
begin with a horse skull that sits on my studio shelf. On an iPad, I combine sketches with a few self-portraits. In my art journal, an entry from June 2018: “Is it inhabiting me (yet)?” I am waiting for the drawings to come alive.

In this series of iPad paintings, horse becomes human, or perhaps the other way around. We put our heads together. My eyes are no longer quite my own. I wonder about seeing as the animal sees, with its power, love of movement, its instinct for freedom. It trots across a night sky, then begins to gallop. I grow ears, try on teeth. We are each wild beauties.